Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Crazy Lady

Yesterday we were busy....

Between running errands and taking Simon to and from school and gymnastics, there wasn't a good time to attempt a solid nap with the little one. But I still tried. All day. And I still failed. All day.

Finally by 5pm I had to put Cecie in her crib (again) because I just could not hold her anymore. While in my arms she was half asleep and half FIGHTING sleep and it was driving me batty (which is admittedly an understatement). So in her crib to fight sleep she went and outside I went to take a deep breath in the warm, quiet air (my mom said she used to do this for a minute when she needed a mental break and I thought it was a fine idea just then).

I went outside barefoot and remembered the new dress and shoes I bought while running the aforementioned errands. I walked to my car and decided to throw the shoes on since I have a gravel driveway and barefoot on it is just not smart. I heeled it back to the door and was just not ready to go back in so I plopped on the swing set to enjoy my surroundings for just another minute. Next thing I know Bryan gets home from work and sees his wife sitting on a swing in black heels, bright blue cotton shorts, an old t-shirt and unruly Pippi Longstocking inspired pigtails with no kids in sight. He laughed saying that I looked like a "crazy mother" and that was enough to make me laugh too and get back to reality with (somewhat) renewed patience.

Some days are just like that I suppose. And seeing as it's 7am and I've been up long enough to blog, today might be "just like that" too...


  1. Haha Love this one! Like the shoes too!! Awesome mental picture of you sitting on the swing :)

  2. Best post ever. Made my heart smile.... Rr
